Monday, December 12, 2011


So often we judge our progress by what we think we have accomplished. Has there be improvement? Am I feeling better? More functional? Less symptoms? Stronger? I can think of so many instances (other than this oh-so-boring fight against this pain-in-the-ass disease) where this is how we judge ourselves and those around us.

This Lyme disease business sure is teaching me a lot. Progress just isn't always linear. And just maybe it shouldn't be judged "constantly." I recently stumbled upon a chronic Lyme support group online (which has been both disturbing and highly comforting at the same time). Someone said something to me that has really stuck, "Recovery is so long that it can be very hard to see an end and its also so slow it's hard to actualize to yourself that you're improving. You really have to stick with it and wait and reassess not every few weeks, but every 3-4 months. If you do that you'll notice the incremental improvements. We are all stronger than this disease. All it takes is belief, faith, hope, and patience. I believe that someday we will find a cure. I have faith in those I have chosen to provide me care. I have faith that God will support me through this battle. I hold onto hope that someday I will be well enough to do the things I love doing that I no longer can do. Above all, we need patience because the road to health for us all is long and slow. The last is the hardest for me. But I am learning. Two steps forward, one and a half steps back still equals progress." It's hard to remember this sometimes, but oh so true!

I am progressing even though I can't say on a day to day basis how much progress there is because I am inundated by the symptom laundry list of that particular day. Now that is comfort. And just maybe this is a better way to look at my family and the world. Patience really is a virtue and one we tend to lack in many arenas. When things seem "bad" we assume there is regression and when they are "good" we assume that is progress. It's just not that black and white.

I am learning all about the many shades of grey. Now that is progress.

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