Earlier today I felt like I had a little energy. That feeling has exited as quickly as the air releases in a balloon. Now I feel like I am carrying an extra 100 pound weight as I try to move about the house. Everything hurts.
I thought a little rest in bed with the laptop would rejuvenate me. Wrong. When am I going to learn the laptop shouldn't be my partner in bed? I think it is my attempt to "zone out." That works sometimes, but not when I am really exhausted. Truth be told, nothing works when I really exhausted and in pain. I should re-phrase that. In the past nothing has worked, but in the present there are endless possibilities.
I just got up to let the dog out and suddenly realized I had left the milk sitting in the car for the last two hours. Oops. Hope it is still good. It felt cool still. Once I let the dog out I thought I would take the trek to the mailbox and then get the milk. That journey has resulted in another rest on the couch. This time with the laptop to do a little blogging.
This would be a perfect time for a cup of strong black tea or coffee. Except I have been abstaining from those items to give the adrenals a break. Maybe the adrenals have rested long enough. That is a great idea but it seems doubtful. I could also use a nice cupcake or donut or maybe even some pie. Abstaining from those too. So boring.
Okay, I guess it is time for me to put down the laptop and to dig deep into that self-care list to find something that is rejuvenating. I'll start by ending this complaining session with something to be grateful for. Hmmm. I am grateful to have excellent hearing so I can hear the symphony of birds outside my window. They do sound delightful! I guess that is a start in the right direction.
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