Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Different Bumpy Road

I feel like I am walking down a road that is so different than the same road walked a short time ago. The internal "bombing" of the little lymies with Samento and Banderol began again. I didn't think I was having major bacteria die-off symptoms because I was on such a low dose compared to when I stopped before. Well, I think I may be wrong about that.

Today my kidneys hurt so bad I feel like I am in labor. I am so chemically sensitive that every scent, dust, potential mildew smell sends me into either a breakdown, an allergy fit or an asthma attack. I am so emotionally labile that it is difficult to function. I have been having intermittent hot flashes again too. No major headache or neurotoxic feelings like I had before or the "herxing" that I had become familiar with. Some stiff neck, but mild compared to the meningitis-like neck I had before. Hmmmm.....

After a little "hot-tub-reflection time" with my husband, it seems apparent that I am reaching a toxic point and need to hold tight on my dose for a while. It is just so different from last time that I didn't even see the signs until I felt like I was sinking in quick sand.

I thankful for the awareness. The plan for tomorrow: no more increasing of the medicine for a week or so - hold at 7 drops, call/email the doctor and see if I need to change around my medicine or come in for an IV, focus on detoxing in every way possible (hot tub, sauna, walks, stretching, pranayama, lots of liquids, etc.), eat really clean/simply and of course --- be more gentle on myself.

This process of writing often brings clarity and objectivity. It did that tonight. Yippy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you could find the time to reflect...and write. It really does help to organize your thoughts and help to understand yourself better which in turn, helps with the course for the future--and give yourself a little slack. Sometimes we, women, feel like we do soooo little, but when you step back and is amazing how much we do! Hang in there my friend!
